Sabado, Setyembre 15, 2012



For me edublogging or blogging is just another way to share the knowledge we have and to express our thoughts on a certain topic or issue.

Blogging a certain topic is not as easy as 123 or as easy as ABC. First we should research and collect all the information we need and summarize on how we understand it. Copy and pasting of a sentence from other blog or article is prohibited because it can be a plagiarism and I guess no one wants to be accused of plagiarism.

In making our own blog we should be creative and original and we should also use simple words so that our readers can easily understand what we are trying to tell. Do not also forget to cite properly all the reference you used. Blogging is a different experience because you can learn new things from other blogs and other people can learn new things from your blog. So why don't you make your own blog now and share your thoughts to others.

I would also like to thank Ma'am Virginia Gaces for guiding and encouraging us to make our own blog.

Martes, Hulyo 17, 2012


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TOXICOLOGY is the study of the dynamic interaction of chemicals with living systems like people, animals, and the environment. According to the book of Bishop et. al they defined toxicology as the study of poison.

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What is poison?

POISON is any substance that causes a harmful effect on exposure or any chemical agent that has the capacity to produce abnormal, undesirable, or harmful changes to an organism exposed to it.

In toxicology there are four major disciplines: Mechanistic, Descriptive, Forensic and Clinical Toxicology.

  1. MECHANISTIC TOXICOLOGY - elucidates the cellular and biochemical effects of toxins
  2. DESCRIPTIVE TOXICOLOGY - uses the results from animal experiments to predict what level of exposure will cause harm in humans
  3. FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY - primarily concerned with the medicolegal consequences of toxin exposure
  4. CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY - the study of interrelationships between toxin exposure and disease states

Here are common the words or terms used in toxicology like toxicant, toxin, poison, toxic agent, toxic substance and toxic chemical.

  • TOXICANTS - substances that produces adverse biological effects of any nature
  • TOXINS - specific proteins produced by living organisms and exhibit immediate effects
  • POISONS - toxicants that cause immediate death or illness when experienced in very small amounts
  • TOXIC AGENTS - anything that can produce an adverse biological affect
  • TOXIC SUBSTANCE - any material which has toxic properties. It can be organic or inorganic in composition.
ORGANIC TOXINS - are substances that were originally derived from living organisms

INORGANIC TOXINS - are specific chemicals that are not derived from living organisms.

I hope you have learned something on my blog, till next time have a nice day take care and God bless! ;)


Clinical Chemistry Techniques, Principles, Correlations Sixth Edition, Michael L. Bishop et. al.

Martes, Mayo 15, 2012

Glance on Endocrine System

What is Endocrine System?
Our endocrine system is composed of organs and glands that secretes hormones to help our body to function well and to maintain it's homeostasis or it's balance to the other organs and parts of our body. Hormones are chemical messenger that are being secreted in our body. They are also responsible in some changes that are happening in our body like having pimples, having deeper voice, more feminine physical appearance and being tall. The endocrine system consists of Hypothalamus, Pituitary glands, Thyroid glands, Parathyroid glands, Adrenal glands, Pancreas, Ovaries and Testes.

What is Endocrinology?
 Endocrinology deals with the structure and function of our endocrine system. It is also concern to other disorder or disease (hormone imbalance) that affects our endocrine system. Some of the common  hormone imbalance are growth hormone deficiency, obesity, thyroid cancer, and diabetes.

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